City of York Council





SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)



3 March 2021 at 5.16pm



Cllr Cuthbertson (Chair), Cllr Cullwick, Cllr Fitzpatrick, Cllr Rowley, Rev Keith Albans Brenda Christison, Deborah Evans, Katherine Harper, Ian Hodgson, Daryoush Mazloum, Ben Rich, Olivia Seymour (Vice Chair), Imam Abid Salik [from 17:25], John Thompson


34.            Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest


Apologies for absence were received and accepted for Kate Bailey, Penny Coppin-Siddall and Imam Abid Salik. There were no declarations of interest.




35.            Minutes of Previous Meetings


Resolved: That the minutes of the meetings held on 14 October 2020 and 2 December be approved and signed by the Chair at a later date.




36.            Update  from Agreed Syllabus Conference (ASC)  including decisions made and next steps


It was reported that that the Agreed Syllabus Conference had met prior to the SACRE meeting and the four Committees of the SACRE had met to approved the syllabus and recommend to SACRE to adopt the syllabus subject to minor editing. Each Committee was then asked to communicate their vote for the syllabus to be adopted:


Committee A – Appointed spokesperson Ben Rich reported that Committee A had agreed to adopt the syllabus.


Committee B – Appointed spokesperson Katherine Harper reported that Committee B had agreed to adopt the syllabus.


Committee C – Brenda Christison (lone Committee C Member) agreed to adopt the syllabus.


Committee D – Appointed spokesperson Cllr Rowley reported that Committee D had had agreed to adopt the syllabus.


The Agreed Syllabus Conference recommended that the SACRE adopt the syllabus.


Resolved: That the RE Today Syllabus be adopted by SACRE


Reason: In order to adopt a RE Syllabus




37.            Annual Report Update


John Thompson reported that the Annual Report had been approved and would be submitted to the DfE and NASACRE.


[Imam Abid Salik joined the meeting at 17:25]


Resolved: That the submission of the Annual Report to the DfE and NASACRE be noted.


Reason:     In order to submit the Annual Report to the Secretary of State.




38.            Development Plan


John Thompson noted the following updates in relation to the 2020-22 development plan:

·        In terms of maintaining the profile of SACRE and developing RE the website was under review and was in the process of being updated.

·        The review of membership was ongoing and had expanded

·        The City of York Council Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer was working on the review of the Terms of Reference and key documents,

·        RE provision in schools was a focus for the next academic year.

·        The RE Syllabus was on track, with the preliminary work completed.

·        Regarding professional development, training to colleagues continued to be publicised. The training sessions organised by the regional ambassador had been well attended and there was to be an additional training session for the agreed syllabus in October.


Resolved: That progress towards the Development Plan be noted.


Reason:     In order to be updated on progress towards the Development Plan.





39.            National RE and Collective Worship updates


In relation to Collective Worship, it was reported that there had been no requests for determinations for York SACRE. Olivia Seymour informed SACRE Members that the DfE had made changes to groupings for RE and in the development plan SACRE may want to consider a review of documents on the SACRE website.


Regarding national RE updates, Olivia Seymour advised that there was a national conversation about RE. It was noted that the syllabus takes into account world views and that the SACRE was engaging in those developments. It was highlighted that SACRE did not have a Hindu representative on it and this was of importance as Hinduism was included in the KS2 syllabus. The need to actively consider local representation on SACRE was noted. Imam Abid Salik confirmed that there was Hindu representation on the Interfaith Group. Olivia Seymour noted that she had been working with Penny Coppin-Siddall on trying to try and get a Hindu representative from the Interfaith Group.


Resolved: That the national RE and Collective Worship updates be noted.


Reason:     In order to be kept updated on national RE and Collective Worship developments.




40.            Correspondence on complaints / determinations


It was reported that there had been no complaints to SACRE.


Resolved: That Members be updated on complaints.


Reason:     In order to be kept updated on complaints to SACRE and determinations of complaints.




41.            Urgent Business


Cllr Cullwick reported that he would expect to be Mayor from May 2021.


Imam Abid Salik noted that he had attended a meeting with a number of faith groups to discuss York against racism to speak up about racism. This was welcomed by Members. Members were advised that there would be suite of anti-racist resources in the additional information for the syllabus and the opportunity to work with the Imam on this was welcomed. It was noted that racism had explicitly been mentioned in the introduction to the new syllabus.




42.            Future meeting dates


It was suggested that there may be an additional meeting mid to late April to consider the SACRE Constitution. This would be confirmed by the Democracy Officer if required.



Tues 29 June 2021 at 5pm

Tues 5 Oct 2021 at 5pm

Tues 11 Jan 2022 at 5pm

Tue 1 Mar 2022 at 5pm

Tues 7 June 2022 at 5pm







Cllr I Cuthbertson



The meeting started at 5.16 pm and finished at 5.50 pm.